Quit messing with my messing Crypto investment!

Lori Wilson
2 min readJul 17, 2021

Not sure who all is in charge of all these crypto nightmares dives lately, but please stop already!

Being new to the wild world of crypto, I am kindly asking that whatever or whoever is causing the Crypto to nose dive multiple times in a month please stop already. Here I am new to the game thinking Wow, I might actually be able to make some ROI in this new fangled Cryptocurrency that I had poo poo’d for so long. As usual I am late to the game. And now I am sitting in the red almost across the board.

So I guess I am not the only pissed off investor in cryptoland. I hear “Anonymous” was pretty mad at Elon Musk. Yep, I would definitely say he has contributed to a few of sudden drops in Bitcoin and Doge. I would have liked to of been fly on Elon’s desk when he watched that video. He pretty much pulled Elon’s pants down for the world to see what was there. As for me, I hung onto my dogecoin. Sadly, I should have sold it the night of his Saturday Night Live appearance.

In all seriousness, the pump and dump seems to be across the board. I would have figured that some of the Alt-Coins would be safe, but I am not seeing it. From my old lady perspective people who are into alt-coins and can navigate the likes of pancakeswap and uniswap should be a little more hardcore investor who doesn’t dump every time crypto hiccups. So why?

Any of crypto punks want to enlighten me, I am willing to listen. I get that early spring the crypto market was flush with newbie investors ready to catch the next Dogecoin wave. And that these first couple of crypto crashes likely scared off a large portion of those investors. But, what peeps are left should be a bit weathered and not panic sell. Yet, it is occurring .

As for me, I am going to be ape-like and hold. I am not sure what else to do. Sadly, my portfolio is looking shabby and out of money that I can afford to lose. So if you are a whale or part of a pump and dump club. Please comment when you plan on crashing crypto again.



Lori Wilson

A conservative! Hate me if you must but i live in America where freedom of religion, speech and political affiliation is guaranteed by our constitution.